You Know You're in Malaysia When:
-When talking about someone the first question asked is,
“What race are they” ie Indian, Malay, or Chinese. Unfortunately despite "Satu
Malaysia" efforts racial stereotyping is very prominent, although it isn’t
polite to say so.
- Walking through the night market the vendors switch from
yelling in Malay to yelling in English once they see a white person.
-You are fluent in broken English, finding it much more easy
than proper English.
-You have caught the “lah virus” and add in lah, leh, loh to
spice up your conversations.
-Begin to think all white people look the same.
-Don’t blink an eye when your host mom drives the wrong
direction down a one way street.
-Must park under shade only lah.
-Forget how to use a knife. Find eating with fork/spoon,
hands or chopsticks much easier.
-Don’t find it offensive when someone calls another person
fat or point out that they have pimples.
-Have gotten used to only spending a few ringgit for a full
meal or public transport. Are shocked at how expensive everything is when
visiting Singapore, even though it is still less expensive than America.
- Are used to going to shopping malls at least three times
-Are shocked if you don’t take rice at least once a day.
-Hang out in the mall for free air-conditioning.
-Can de-bone a fish with chopsticks only (one of my most
proud accomplishments)
-Have a shock when you see your American friends fighting
with their parents on Skype. The thought of disrespecting an elder makes you
cringe. (I'm sure my American parents wished I still thought this way lol)
-Reaction to everything is either “Aiyo!”, “Cannot be lah!”, “Wah!” or “Serious??”
-Are used to aunties criticizing e-v-e-r-y-t-h-i-n-g. Very loudly.
-Random strangers want to know your siblings names and why
they aren’t married yet.
-If too lazy to explain something just say “Never-mind lah”
-Haven’t felt the feeling of hunger since you entered the
-One of your favorite things to do is to have supper late at
night at a mamak with your friends.
-Must drink tea before bed or whenever you are stressed.
-Respond to “Girl” as if it’s your name (might as well be.)
-Will drive an hour away just for dinner
-Eat out at least once a day, sometimes three times a day.
This is common since cooking at home is considered more expensive than eating
out. Also the restaurants and food stalls are so good and so plentiful it is
worth it.
-The thought of eating chicken feet makes your mouth water!